
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Natania's story (4)

I said to God, “Lord if You permit me, I want to go to Hong Kong not just for the higher pay but most of all to get me out of sin, to let me know You and to follow You with all my heart. But I don’t have enough money and I also need to take medical exams for my application and the clinics are closed on Sunday - my one and only day-off." 

Indeed God answered my prayers as two months later my agent called to inform me that there was a job opportunity in Hong Kong! My certainty in Him having answered my prayers was reinforced when I was given a Friday off because my employer went out of town and so I had the opportunity to go for my medical. To cut a long story short, my application to work in Hong Kong was granted.

Finally in Hong Kong, on my first Sunday off I looked for a church and with the help of my employer I found a nearby church but I felt something was still missing. In search for God I found myself wandering from church to church.

I remember that at one of the churches I had a serious talk with a religious leader and told him, “Look, I am a great sinner, I want to repent and get baptized. Can you help me?” The priest looked me in the eyes and said: “We will discuss this issue next time. Okay? Take it slowly…” Although I persisted and repeated my request to my disappointment the water baptism never happened. Upset and worried I remembered thinking, “What if an accident happens and I die tonight? Would that mean I would go to hell?!”

I then came across an advert in an Indonesian newspaper from UCKG HelpCentre advertising a gift bottle with Holy Water from Israel. They offered prayer & help to people in need. The following Sunday I went with a friend in search for the Church, but after attending the first meeting I developed bizarre nightmares for a whole week! So I didn’t go back the next Sunday but I kept the bulletin I had received with me.

I was going through the bulletin one day when I saw the text-hotline. The next moment, I found myself sending messages and opening up about my problems to the pastor. He invited me to come and attend the faith meetings again and I accepted the invitation. I decided to get myself baptized in water straight away without delay.

After my baptism everything became clear to me; God opened my eyes about the purpose in life. I finally found a reason to live for and started my new life with Jesus. Although problems still come and go, the hard times I faced have made my love for God greater than ever.

To be continued.....

***As published on FIA Bulletin


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